Better Hearing Solutions
Create a barrier free accessible listening environment
in your church, chapel, auditorium or meeting room
Engage with Better Hearing Solutions today!
Call 905 518 3780 or Write for information
Hearing Loop System Design, Supply and Installation
Canada wide
Break COVID Sound Barriers with our Window Intercoms
We've achieved Contacta's highest level
of hearing loop installer certifications
Better Hearing Solutions is an Ontario-based company providing Hearing Loop Systems and other Assistive Listening Technologies since 1983. We're passionately helping people with hearing loss hear clearly at their favourite venues (churches, meeting halls, auditoriums, stadiums)
anywhere people meet to listen, hear and understand!
Hearing loop systems provide an invisible, direct, wireless connection between your hearing aid or cochlear device and a radio, tv, home theatre system, computer, audio or A/V system anywhere!
Yes, anywhere! Concert halls, arenas, gymnasiums, stadiums, airport concourses, service and cashier counters, taxis, boats and cars ...
That sound you want to hear: let us bring it to your ear!
Browse our site to learn about the dignity and convenience of hearing loops, hearing with unbelievable clarity and the
Better Hearing Solutions company
or contact us today!
Better Hearing Solutions can also be found on
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